Can stress really cause a increase in belly fat and weight gain?
Stress is a life emotion that many of us stuggle with on a daliy bases. We all have things in our lives that we wish we could change over night! No man or woman is perfect. When life gets busy and your time is compromised stress can creep in the back door. Stress causes the release of a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol promotes fat storage and interferes with fat burning. So if your trying to get rid of belly fat then Cortsol and you are Not friends!
Working out and dieting correcty can be a very effective in reducing stress. Getting your heart rate 60%- 75% of your max heart rate 20-30 mins per day a few times a week can be the fix for thousands of people. Yoga as well as many group fitness classes can be a exciting way to reduces stress hormones. If you stay consistent in doing so your results can speed up alot faster. Weight lifting along with some form of cardio will be the most effective way to physically reduces stress. STAY CONSISTENT PEOPLE!
You are what you eat. Many of us have have heard this old saying in movies and shows and never really digested the words. Belly fat is most helpful side kick is saturated fat. Eating saturated fat on a daily bases is terrible not only for your belly fat but also for your digestive system. Try eating whole foods 1,2,3 times a week to get started. Lean protiens also burns pure fat. Replacing fats with lean protein can be the small step to get you to the next level of getting rid of that belly fat.